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Thank you for Visiting the ISA Operations Division Web Site.

STOP: ISA wants consumers to be fully informed and educated before they decide to retain protective and security services, and your first step in the process should be to determine what level of services you need to mitigate the threats. Please contact us for a free no obligation assessment.  If you feel you are in immediate danger contact law enforcement.

What Do I Need?

Protective Services;   You have decided you need or want some type of protection or security program but do you need the services of a single agent or a full protective detail? 

Note: If you decide to retain a protective agent or a detail and you have health or mobility issues, please ensure your new team has the training and support equipment to best address your limitations or health concerns.   

 Not all security companies require their staff to be CPR, First Aid or AED certified, and if you think you’re hiring an EMT trained agent don’t be surprised if they don’t have the required national certification or license to provide emergency medical care. 


Physical Security; Does your home or office require an improved physical security program? Will a few cameras and a commercial alarm company suffice or do you want a security presence on your property and outside your office.

Do you need security guards that are armed? and are you aware of the liability if your guards harm someone? Hiring security guards can be expensive and may not provide you with the level of safety and security you had anticipated, so please contact us for your free assessment before you hire.

We hope you find this information helpful and look forward to working with you in the future.

Why contract for outside dignitary services?

Most of our clients are visiting diplomats, CEOs, and other high-net-worth or publicly known figures. Many of them already have a security detail or security manager and a trusted driver. But when traveling, the cost and logistics involved in moving the detail can be prohibitive and your security staff often do not know the environment or have the required licenses or credentials to operate legally in the area, increasing your liability and risk of embarrassment.

For those reasons ISA does not recommend that the full detail travels with our clients.  Instead, we believe having your personal security agent, who has knowledge of your medical history and of the procedures with which you’re comfortable, accompany you.  ISA will work with your staff to design a security plan for your visit and provide the resources and manpower you require.

The ISA cost calculator and levels of security guide

Please review our cost calculator and levels of protection guide to determine if your budget will meet your security needs.  We will work with you to build the best security program available for the money.

If you have any questions, please e-mail them to our staff or for a faster response, feel free to call us for advice, recommendations, or referrals.

TIER 1 – For higher threat levels, we offer the Tier 1 level of security. Tier 1 agents are required to have 10 or more years of experience and be former US Military Protective Service Agents, former US Secret Service, or State Department Diplomatic Security. Tier 1A authorizes us to use law enforcement with the required training and experience.

TIER 2 – For medium or the average threat level, we offer a Tier 2 level of security. Our agents are required to have 5 or more years of experience, be former US Military Protective Service, US Secret Service, State Department Diplomatic Security, and law enforcement with the required training and experience. Tier 2A authorizes us to use agents with corporate executive protection backgrounds with the required training and experience.

TIER 3 – For low threat levels, we offer Tier 3 level of security. Our agents are required to have 1 to 5 years of experience, graduated from a nationally recognized training center and have at least one year of experience.

  • Manpower is computed by the number of agents times the daily rate.

  • Vehicles are computed at $350.00 per vehicle per day for an unarmored SUV.

  • The daily operations cost can range from $1,000.00 to $10,000.00 per day or more depending on the threat, hours worked, insurance requirements, special equipment required, and state permit fees and taxes.
12 Hour days – Armed Detail
$800.00-1,000.00 a day per agent
8-12 hours a day – Armed Detail
$600.00-800.00 a day per agent
8-12 Hour days – Armed Detail
$400.00-600.00 a day per agent
8-12 Hour days – Unarmed Detail
$300.00-500.00 a day per agent