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Program Overview

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ISA Community Assistance Programs
& The Domestic Violence Action Network


“When I see this artist’s work of Satan hurling burning arrows at a praying victim below, I think of the victim of domestic violence who feels like the entire world has come crashing down on them and there is no help but to pray it stops”. Matthew Parker CEO, ISA

Our Mission:  To assist courts, attorneys, domestic violence agencies, religious organizations and law enforcement in the prevention of domestic violence.

What do we do? ISA and its Domestic Violence Action Network works with domestic violence organizations, law enforcement, and community leaders, in order to stop the cycle of violence and provide hope to the victims of domestic violence.

Why Does This Program Exist? 
1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will be victims of domestic violence or abuse in their lifetime. 

What about the victims?

One common theme with victims is hope,

Hope that the violence will stop
Hope that life will get better
Hope tomorrow is a better day

But as powerful as faith and hope can be it isn’t enough:

In 2008, About 11% of the 231 women killed had been issued a restraining order. About one-fifth of the female victims with a restraining order were killed within 2 days of the order being issued; about one-third were killed within a month. Nearly half of those with a restraining order had been protected by multiple orders. Vittes, K.A., and S.B. Sorenson. “Restraining Orders Among Victims of Intimate Partner Homicide.” U.S. National Library of Medicine.   June 2008.

When hope fails:

“I Give Up”: When there is a feeling or perception that no matter what I do the abuser will win in the end, many victims don’t even seek protections. In 2008 the majority of victims killed (89%) did not have restraining orders in place. Logan, T.K. and Robert Walker.   “Civil Protective Orders Effective in Stopping or Reducing Partner Violence.” Carsey School of Public Policy.   Spring 2011.

Did they give up?

Did they think no one would help them? 

How do we bring the DVAN to our community?

Easy, invite us in.. Contact ISA and let us know our domestic violence intervention program is needed or your interested in exploring how we can work with you or your organization. We will arrange for a meeting with our director and see if the program is something your community would welcome.

If that answer is yes, then the DVAN will start the process of recruiting protective agents, conduct specialized training for working with DV victims and begin fundraising with a community partner.

How does the program work?

The Domestic Violence Action Network deploys specially trained domestic violence intervention teams consisting of agents and resources from our executive protection, witness protection, and counter- stalker programs. These teams secure the victim and shield them from the abuser until the threat and risks have been mitigated.

Unfortunately, Police don’t have the resources and manpower to provide this level of protection and a call to 911 may be too late for high threat cases where the abuser is still on the street. So working with law enforcement DVAN intervention teams stop the abuse at the source and keep the victim in a safe and secure environment free to live and work without fear.

Our teams will provide transportation, close escort, secure the home and other required locations, temporary or permanent relocation assistance, and other services at little to no cost to the victims.

Providing time to heal

While the victims are under our protection counselors and domestic violence advocates have the time to help the victim find solutions and for law enforcement and the courts to prosecute the abuser. But more importantly, the victim now has the time and space they need to start the healing process. 

Our teams will meet with local law enforcement and domestic violence organizations to establish communications and operational procedures, as well as establish partnerships with shelters, hospitals, extended stay lodging, educational institutions, non-profits, and any other resource or contact that could be of assistance to victims.

As money is raised and placed into a community account under the management of a local partner we will continuously update law enforcement and other agencies of our capabilities and readiness.

Victims what you need to know

First,  Get the order of protection, A 2011 study at the University of New Hampshire found that the quality of life improved for 213 women they surveyed who had received civil protective orders. Half the women reported that the orders were not violated, and the majority of respondents reported declines in “days of distress and sleep loss” after obtaining those orders.

Second, If you, law enforcement, or the domestic violence advocates feel there is a danger you can ask them to contact the Domestic Violence Action Network for our services.  

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