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The ISA Executive Protection Team Goes International

Executive Protection for an International Diplomatic Client
Challenge accepted

In February 2012, Independent Security Advisors underwent an extensive vetting and selection process. Conducted by the Chinese government, it determined who would provide executive protection for its trade delegation visiting California.

This was no normal delegation, it arrived just ahead of the official state visit of the Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, and the trade representative would need to attend events with the Vice President and other VIPs.

ISA agents provided a full spectrum of close protective services from advance work, threat assessments, transportation and security planning, to providing the close protection team to the senior government trade representative and other members of the delegation during its visit.

As a private security provider working directly for an international delegation with diplomatic status, ISA agents needed to work closely with several US government agencies, and state and local law enforcement. Although not a typical arrangement, the US State Department from its Chinese government liaison to the security agents on the ground were exceptionally accommodating and respectful of our duties and responsibilities.

During events in Los Angeles to include joint appearances with Vice President Biden, the Governor of California and the Mayor of LA, Mr. Parker and the ISA team were the only private sector protection detail accorded the professional courtesy of being authorized to work within the protective cordon of the US Secret Service and other official law enforcement agencies.

ISA credentialed agents are fully vetted with FBI criminal record checks on file and they provide a diplomatic level of service that few private sector companies can match.

We look forward to the next challenge and hope you will consider ISA for your executive protection needs.